Zheng, J., and M. Meister. 2024. The unbearable slowness of being: Why do we live at 10 bits/s? Neuron.
Zheng, J., R.A. Guimaraes, J.Y. Hu, P. Perona, and M. Meister. 2024. Mice in the Manhattan Maze: Rapid Learning, Flexible Routing and Generalization, With and Without Cortex. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. Boston, MA.
Zhang, T., M. Rosenberg, Z. Jing, P. Perona, and M. Meister. 2024. Endotaxis: A neuromorphic algorithm for mapping, goal-learning, navigation, and patrolling. eLife. 12:RP84141.
Jing, Z. and M. Meister. 2024. A Fast Algorithm for All-Pairs-Shortest-Paths Suitable for Neural Networks. Neural Computation. 36, 2710–2733.
Shao, S., M. Meister, and J. Gjorgjieva. 2023. Efficient population coding of sensory stimuli. Phys. Rev. Res. 5:043205.
Li, Y., and M. Meister. 2023. Functional cell types in the mouse superior colliculus. eLife. 12:e82367.
Hahn, J., A. Monavarfeshani, M. Qiao, A.H. Kao, Y. Kölsch, A. Kumar, V.P. Kunze, A.M. Rasys, R. Richardson, J.B. Wekselblatt, H. Baier, R.J. Lucas, W. Li, M. Meister, J.T. Trachtenberg, W. Yan, Y.-R. Peng, J.R. Sanes, and K. Shekhar. 2023. Evolution of neuronal cell classes and types in the vertebrate retina. Nature. 624:415–424.
Meister, M. 2022. Learning, fast and slow. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 75:102555.
Zhang, T., Rosenberg, M., Perona, P., and Meister, M. (2021). Endotaxis: A Universal Algorithm for Mapping, Goal-Learning, and Navigation. BioRxiv 2021.09.24.461751.
Kyu Hyun Lee, Yu-Li Ni, Jennifer Colonell, Bill Karsh, Jan Putzeys, Marius Pachitariu, Timothy D. Harris & Markus Meister (2021) Electrode pooling can boost the yield of extracellular recordings with switchable silicon probes. Nat Commun 12, 5245. For easier reading check out our preprint on Biorxiv.
Liu, Y., Bernstein, J., Meister, M., and Yue, Y. (2021). Learning by Turning: Neural Architecture Aware Optimisation. ArXiv:2102.07227 [Cs].
Rosenberg, M., Zhang, T., Perona, P., and Meister, M. (2021). Mice in a labyrinth show rapid learning, sudden insight, and efficient exploration. eLife 2021;10:e66175. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.66175. For easier reading check out our preprint on BioRxiv.
Bernstein, J., Zhao, J., Meister, M., Liu, M.-Y., Anandkumar, A., and Yue, Y. (2021). Learning compositional functions via multiplicative weight updates. ArXiv:2006.14560 [Cs, Math, Stat].
Lee, K.H., Tran, A., Turan, Z., and Meister, M. (2020). The sifting of visual information in the superior colliculus. ELife 9, e50678.
Li, Y., Turan, Z., and Meister, M. (2020). Functional Architecture of Motion Direction in the Mouse Superior Colliculus. Current Biology 30, 3304-3315.
Qiao, M., and Meister, M. (2020). Factorized linear discriminant analysis for phenotype-guided representation learning of neuronal gene expression data. ArXiv:2010.02171 [Cs, q-Bio].
S. Beery, Y. Liu, D. Morris, J. Piavis, A. Kapoor, M. Meister, N. Joshi, and P. Perona (2020). Synthetic Examples Improve Generalization for Rare Classes. In 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 852–862.
Liu, Y., Perona, P., and Meister, M. (2020). PanDA: Panoptic Data Augmentation. ArXiv:1911.12317 [Cs].
Lee, K.H., Ni, Y.-L., and Meister, M. (2019). Electrode pooling: How to boost the yield of switchable silicon probes for neuronal recordings. BioRxiv 851691.
Gjorgjieva J, Meister M, Sompolinsky H (2019) Functional diversity among sensory neurons from efficient coding principles. PLoS Computational Biology 15 (11).
Liu Y, Stiles NR, Meister M (2018) Augmented reality powers a cognitive assistant for the blind. Elife. 2018 Nov 27;7. doi: 10.7554/eLife.37841.
Qiao, M., Zhang, T., Segalin, C., Sam, S., Perona, P., and Meister, M. (2018). Mouse Academy: high-throughput automated training and trial-by-trial behavioral analysis during learning. BioRxiv 467878.
Krieger B, Qiao M, Rousso DL, Sanes JR, Meister M (2017) Four alpha ganglion cell types in mouse retina: Function, structure, and molecular signatures. PLoS One 12(7):e0180091. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180091.
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Meister M (2016) Physical limits to magnetogenetics. Elife. 2016 Aug 16;5. pii: e17210. doi: 10.7554/eLife.17210.
Joesch M, Mankus D, Yamagata M, Shahbazi A, Schalek R, Suissa-Peleg A, Meister M, Lichtman JW, Scheirer WJ, Sanes JR (2016) Reconstruction of genetically identified neurons imaged by serial-section electron microscopy. Elife. 2016 Jul 7;5. pii: e15015. doi: 10.7554/eLife.15015.
Joesch, M, Meister, M (2016) A neuronal circuit for colour vision based on rod-cone opponency. Nature 532:236–239.
Meister, M (2015) On the dimensionality of odor space. eLife 4:e07865.
Teeters, JL, Godfrey, K, Young, R, Dang, C, Friedsam, C, Wark, B, Asari, H, Peron, S, Li, N, Peyrache, A, Denisov, G, Siegle, JH, Olsen, SR, Martin, C, Chun, M, Tripathy, S, Blanche, TJ, Harris, K, Buzsaki, G, Koch, C, Meister, M, Svoboda, K, Sommer, FT (2015) Neurodata Without Borders: Creating a Common Data Format for Neurophysiology. Neuron 88:629–634.
Kunwar, PS, Zelikowsky, M, Remedios, R, Cai, H, Yilmaz, M, Meister, M, Anderson, DJ (2015) Ventromedial hypothalamic neurons control a defensive emotion state. eLife 4:e06633.
Feinberg, EH, Meister, M (2015) Orientation columns in the mouse superior colliculus. Nature 519:229–232.
Pitkow, X, Meister, M (2014) Neural computation in sensory systems. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences (Gazzaniga, MS, Mangun, GR, eds), pp 305–318. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Gjorgjieva, J, Sompolinsky, H, Meister, M (2014) Benefits of pathway splitting in sensory coding. J. Neurosci. 34:12127–12144.
Asari, H, Meister, M (2014) The projective field of retinal bipolar cells and its modulation by visual context. Neuron 81:641–652.
Roska, M, Meister, M (2014) The Retina Dissects the Visual Scene into Distinct Features. In: The New Visual Neurosciences (Werner, JS, Chalupa, LM, eds), pp 163–182. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Clark, DA, Benichou, R, Meister, M, da Silveira, RA (2013) Dynamical adaptation in photoreceptors. PLoS Comp. Biol. 9:e1003289.
Yilmaz, M, Meister, M (2013) Rapid innate defensive responses of mice to looming visual stimuli. Curr. Biol. 23:2011–2015.
Meister, M, Cox, D (2013) Rats maintain a binocular field centered on the horizon. F1000Res 2:176.
Leonardo, A, Meister, M (2013) Nonlinear dynamics support a linear population code in a retinal target-tracking circuit. J. Neurosci. 33:16971–16982.
Gütig, R, Gollisch, T, Sompolinsky, H, Meister, M (2013) Computing complex visual features with retinal spike times. PLoS ONE 8:e53063.
Zhang, Y, Kim, IJ, Sanes, JR, Meister, M (2012) The most numerous ganglion cell type of the mouse retina is a selective feature detector. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 109:E2391–8.
Asari, H, Meister, M (2012) Divergence of visual channels in the inner retina. Nat. Neurosci. 15:1581–1589.
Pitkow, X, Meister, M (2012) Decorrelation and efficient coding by retinal ganglion cells. Nat. Neurosci. 15:628–635.
Samuel, MA, Zhang, Y, Meister, M, Sanes, JR (2011) Age-related alterations in neurons of the mouse retina. J. Neurosci. 31:16033–16044.
de Vries, SE, Baccus, SA, Meister, M (2011) The projective field of a retinal amacrine cell. J. Neurosci. 31:8595–8604.
Kay, JN, De la Huerta, I, Kim, IJ, Zhang, Y, Yamagata, M, Chu, MW, Meister, M, Sanes, JR (2011) Retinal ganglion cells with distinct directional preferences differ in molecular identity, structure, and central projections. J. Neurosci. 31:7753–7762.
Szuts, TA, Fadeyev, V, Kachiguine, S, Sher, A, Grivich, MV, Agrochao, M, Hottowy, P, Dabrowski, W, Lubenov, EV, Siapas, AG, Uchida, N, Litke, AM, Meister, M (2011) A wireless multi-channel neural amplifier for freely moving animals. Nat. Neurosci. 14:263–269.
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Soucy, ER, Albeanu, DF, Fantana, AL, Murthy, VN, Meister, M (2009) Precision and diversity in an odor map on the olfactory bulb. Nat. Neurosci. 12:210–220.
Fantana, AL, Soucy, ER, Meister, M (2008) Rat olfactory bulb mitral cells receive sparse glomerular inputs. Neuron 59:802–814.
Kim, IJ, Zhang, Y, Yamagata, M, Meister, M, Sanes, JR (2008) Molecular identification of a retinal cell type that responds to upward motion. Nature 452:478–482.
Baccus, SA, Ölveczky, BP, Manu, M, Meister, M (2008) A retinal circuit that computes object motion. J. Neurosci. 28:6807–6817.
Gollisch, T, Meister, M (2008) Rapid neural coding in the retina with relative spike latencies. Science 319:1108–1111.
Gollisch, T, Meister, M (2008) Modeling convergent ON and OFF pathways in the early visual system. Biol Cybern 99:263–278.
Lefebvre, JL, Zhang, Y, Meister, M, Wang, X, Sanes, JR (2008) gamma-Protocadherins regulate neuronal survival but are dispensable for circuit formation in retina. Development 135:4141–4151.
Albeanu, DF, Soucy, E, Sato, TF, Meister, M, Murthy, VN (2008) LED arrays as cost effective and efficient light sources for widefield microscopy. PLoS ONE 3:e2146.
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Geffen, MN, de Vries, SE, Meister, M (2007) Retinal ganglion cells can rapidly change polarity from Off to On. PLoS Biol. 5:e65.
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Pitkow, X, Sompolinsky, H, Meister, M (2007) A neural computation for visual acuity in the presence of eye movements. PLoS Biol. 5:e331.
Hosoya, T, Baccus, SA, Meister, M (2005) Dynamic predictive coding by the retina. Nature 436:71–77.
Baccus, SA, Meister, M (2004) Retina versus cortex; contrast adaptation in parallel visual pathways. Neuron 42:5–7.
Smallwood, PM, Ölveczky, BP, Williams, GL, Jacobs, GH, Reese, BE, Meister, M, Nathans, J (2003) Genetically engineered mice with an additional class of cone photoreceptors: implications for the evolution of color vision. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 100:11706–11711.
Ölveczky, BP, Baccus, SA, Meister, M (2003) Segregation of object and background motion in the retina. Nature 423:401–408.
Schnitzer, MJ, Meister, M (2003) Multineuronal firing patterns in the signal from eye to brain. Neuron 37:499–511.
Stowers, L, Holy, TE, Meister, M, Dulac, C, Koentges, G (2002) Loss of sex discrimination and male-male aggression in mice deficient for TRP2. Science 295:1493–1500.
Baccus, SA, Meister, M (2002) Fast and slow contrast adaptation in retinal circuitry. Neuron 36:909–919.
Meister, M, Bonhoeffer, T (2001) Tuning and topography in an odor map on the rat olfactory bulb. J. Neurosci. 21:1351–1360.
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Holy, TE, Dulac, C, Meister, M (2000) Responses of vomeronasal neurons to natural stimuli. Science 289:1569–1572.
Berry, MJ, Brivanlou, IH, Jordan, TA, Meister, M (1999) Anticipation of moving stimuli by the retina. Nature 398:334–338.
Meister, M, Berry, MJ (1999) The neural code of the retina. Neuron 22:435–450.
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Berry, MJ, Meister, M (1998) Refractoriness and neural precision. J. Neurosci. 18:2200–2211.
Brivanlou, IH, Warland, DK, Meister, M (1998) Mechanisms of concerted firing among retinal ganglion cells. Neuron 20:527–539.
Crevier, DW, Meister, M (1998) Synchronous period-doubling in flicker vision of salamander and man. J. Neurophysiol. 79:1869–1878.
Meister, M, Crevier, DW, Robinson, HPC (1998) A digital signal processing system for recording multineuronal spike trains. J. Physiol. 506P:2P.
Berry, MJ, Warland, DK, Meister, M (1997) The structure and precision of retinal spike trains. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 94:5411–5416.
Smirnakis, SM, Berry, MJ, Warland, DK, Bialek, W, Meister, M (1997) Adaptation of retinal processing to image contrast and spatial scale. Nature 386:69–73.
Nirenberg, S, Meister, M (1997) The light response of retinal ganglion cells is truncated by a displaced amacrine circuit. Neuron 18:637–650.
Warland, DK, Reinagel, P, Meister, M (1997) Decoding visual information from a population of retinal ganglion cells. J. Neurophysiol. 78:2336–2350.
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Welsh, DK, Logothetis, DE, Meister, M, Reppert, SM (1995) Individual neurons dissociated from rat suprachiasmatic nucleus express independently phased circadian firing rhythms. Neuron 14:697–706.
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